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淼焱 正升重工 制砂楼


淼焱 正升重工 制砂楼

发布日期: 2016-03-28
所在地: 河南省郑州市
关键词: 制砂设备 制砂系统 制砂楼 

淼焱 正升重工 制砂楼[详细信息]

HZSL高效环保型模块式制砂楼HZSL efficient environment friendly modular sand making system 一、产品概述 Abstract   我公司与德国著名矿山破碎企业进行国际合作,共同推进机制砂装备技术向“高”、“精”、“尖”方向发展,引领全球制砂技术新变革。 Our company carry out international cooperation with German famous mining enterprises and we jointly promote the mechanism of sand equipment technology to "high", "pure", "tip" direction, which is the new sand technology to lead the global system. HZSL高效环保型制砂楼系统所使用的原料不仅仅是人工开采的岩石和碎石,还可以采用廉价的各种矿山尾料、废料、建筑垃圾等作为原料加工成优质的机制砂,不仅解决了尾料、废料、建筑垃圾不当处理带来的环境问题,还可以变废为宝,具有显著的经济环境效益。 The material of the HZSL machine needs are not only the stone mined by people,but also can use the leftover material, waste and construction waste.In this way,we can change the waste into the sand,which solve the environmental problem and have a remarkable economic environmental benefits. HZSL环保型楼式制砂系统专利核心为ZS系列高效离心冲击式制砂机和筛分模块,及选粉、除尘装备组成返回式闭路系统,大幅度的增产了原来难以生产的0.6~0.15mm粒度范围的砂,粒形可与天然砂相媲美,细度模数可在2.5~3.0之间,含粉量在5-15%之间自由简单地调节,并且通过加湿器可以设定适当的含水率,防止扬尘以及粒度不均。 The HZSL efficient environment friendly modular sand making system use our patent core ZS series centrifugal impact sand making machine and screening modules.And the system contains choosing powder,~,the fineness modulus is in 2.5~,preventing the dust and uneven grain size. 二、优势特点Advantage (1)主机采用中德技术ZS系列高效离心冲击式制砂机,效率高,投资低; The system use the sino-german technology ZS series high efficient centrifugal impactor sand making machine, high efficiency, low investment. (2)颗粒形状为立方多棱体,咬合性好,有效提高混凝土强度; Particle shape is multi cubic body, good occlusion, effectively improve the strength of concrete. (3)系统电耗低(能耗降低50%左右),高产能(生产能力提高一倍);    Low system power consumption (energy consumption reduced by 50% or so), high capacity production capacity (double). (4)粒度数分布均匀,级配连续、稳定; The granularity distribution is uniform, gradation is continuous and stable. (5)因其为线性级配,故较之天然沙可每方C30节省水泥30-70Kg; For the linear grading, the sand can save 30-70 kg per cubic meter for C30 cement than natural sand. (6)石粉含量在5-15%之间可控; Stone powder can be controlled between 5-15%.   (7)细度模数稳定在之间可调;  (8)粉尘零排放,低噪音、无振动; Dust zero emissions, low noise, no vibration. (9)占地面积小,集约化设计,模块化组装、灵活性强,适应各种物料的制砂和整形; Cover an area smaller, intensive design, modular assembly, flexibility is strong, adapt to sand making and shaping for all kinds materials. (10)ZS系列高效离心冲击式制砂机采用中德技术双腔型设计,筛分集成空气筛分和干法筛分技术,大幅度提升筛分效率,同时有效降低堵筛故障;耐磨件采用高强合金,使用寿命大幅延长,有效降低停机检修时间。 ZS series high efficient centrifugal impact sand making machine adopts double cavity sino-german technology design.The screening system integrates the air screening and dry screening technology,which has a higher efficiency.At the same time,it also reduces the problem of screen stoppage.The wear-resistant parts uses the high strength alloy,which pro-long the using life and efficiently reducing the time for stop and recondition. (11)高环保标准,整个系统采用全封闭输送、生产、和负压除尘设计,保证生产无污水,无淤泥,无粉尘以及噪音排放完整符合国家环保要求; High environmental standards, the whole system adopts closed transportation, production, and the design of negative pressure dust removal, guaranteeing the production without water, no sludge, no dust and noise emissions fully comply with national environmental requirements. 三、工作原理Working principle HZSL环保型楼式制砂系统包含ZS系列高效离心冲击式制砂机、分级筛分模块、湿度调配模块、环保除尘器模块、集中控制系统、钢架结构等设备和模块,是一套完整的干式制砂生产系统。 HZSL environment-friendly building sand making system contains ZS series high efficient centrifugal impact sand machine, sizing screen module, humidity deployment module, environmental protection filter module, centralized control system, steel structure and other modules of equipment,which is a set of complete system of dry sand production system. 将5-100mm的原料(可以是石屑、瓜米石等廉价易得的原料)经过ZS系列高效离心冲击式制砂机破碎整型后,在分级筛分和除尘模块作用下分成三路:石粉、返料和准成品砂。石粉通过除尘模块后统一储存在粉矿仓中,准成品砂进入拌湿器经加湿搅拌后完成加工过程。 原料经过HZSL系统合理高效的加工处理后,产出级配合理、粒型圆润、含粉量可控的精品机制砂,以及干燥洁净、可进行统一回收利用的精品石粉(根据原料决定可应用范围)。 After the 5-100mm materials(include stone chips, wasted stone and other cheap material) are shaped by ZS series sand making machine,the material will be parted into three by the screen system,Powder sand,,and it make the sand have shape of reasonable gradation, fruity, controllable powder content.And the produced powder is dry clean, can be recycled uniformly(Determined according to the raw material).

联系人: 孟经理
联系电话: 086-0371-64696555
手机: 13503861355
传真: 086-0371-64969111
联系地址: 郑州市荥阳市郑源路中段
电子邮箱: 3299483392@qq.com
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