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淼焱 正升重工 HP多缸全液压圆锥式破碎


淼焱 正升重工 HP多缸全液压圆锥式破碎

发布日期: 2016-03-28
所在地: 河南郑州
关键词: 圆锥破碎机 HP多缸液压破碎机 

淼焱 正升重工 HP多缸全液压圆锥式破碎[详细信息]

ZSHP系列多缸全液压圆锥破碎机 ZSHP multiple cylinders series all-hydraulic cone crusher 多缸液压圆锥破碎机适用于破碎中等和中等以上硬度的各种矿石和岩石等,如石灰石、铁矿石、鹅卵石、有色金属矿石、花岗岩、玄武岩、石灰岩、石英岩和沙岩等。其高转速、高破碎容量与独特的专利设计令破碎后的成品具有极其优质的立方体型,而易于维护的特点又可确保超凡的高稳定性操作,在世界各地享有盛名,是当今矿山建筑行业替代弹簧圆锥破碎机和更新一般液压圆锥破碎机的较新一代产品。 The multiple cylinders cone crusher is used to crush the ore and rock which the hardness is medium or above medium,such as limestone,ironstone,cobblestone,nonferrous metallic ores, granite,basalt,quartz rock,sandstone,etc. The high speed, high breaking capacity and unique patented design of this series crusher,which make the finished product has extremely high quality cubic shape. The characteristics of easy to maintain of this series crusher can ensure the high stability of the operation,which enjoys a high reputation around the world,and it is the best and the latest generation of products to replace the spring cone crusher or update the general hydraulic cone crusher in mine construction industry. 每种规格的破碎机腔型多,用户可根据不同的需要,选择不同的腔型,以更好的进行破碎作业。本机分为标准型和短头型,一般而言,标准型给料粒度大,排料粒度也较粗,短头型的破碎锥较陡,给料粒度小,有利于生产细粒级的物料,故标准型一般用于粗、中碎,短头型用于中、细碎。用户可根据自己的需要选择适合自己的液压圆锥破碎机。 Each of the specifications type has many sizes of crusher cavity.User can choose different cavities according to difference demands,,the standard type feed particle size bigger,and discharging granularity coarser.The crash cone of the short head type is steep,which it has a smaller feed particle size and it is advantageous to the production of fine grained material.So above all,standard type generally is used in the coarse,在工作时通过电动机的旋转带动带轮或联轴器、 传动轴和圆锥部在轴心线下使偏心轴做周期性旋摆运动。在物料从料口进入破碎腔后因受到偏心轴和轧臼壁的相互冲击挤压、研磨、揉搓从而产生破碎的作用。液压保险系统能在机器发生过铁故障或者闷车现象时通过液压将支撑套和定锥部高级排除出故障物,在起到很好的保险作用的同时大大的降低了维修率及提高生产效率。ZSHP系列圆锥式破碎机将破碎速度、冲程以及破碎腔型设计好地结合,不但提高了生产能力和产品质量,而且扩大了应用范围,从石灰岩到铁矿,从路基石生产到机制砂,以及小型移动破碎站。从高硬度岩石破碎到常规岩石破碎,ZSHP圆锥破碎机在中碎,细碎作业中展现出无与伦比的破碎性能 Crusher work,the rotation of motor the drives the  belt wheel or coupling,transmission shaft and the ministry of cone to make eccentric shaft do periodic rotating pendulum motion In the axis of offline.The stones into the cavity could be crushed after impact extrusion, grinding and rubbing by the eccentric shaft and rolling mortar wall.Hydraulic insurance system can clean out the obstruction through hydraulic from support and fixed cone top,when the machine of iron fault happens or stuffy car phenomenon,which to reduce the maintenance rate and improve production efficiency at the same time insurance of efficiency. 突出优势 Prominent advantages 处理能力强 Higher Processing capacity. 高性能破碎腔与高破碎频率的圆满结合,大大提高了处理能力,又由于采用了层压破碎原理,故破碎产品多为立方结构,极大程度上减少了针片状物料。 High-performance crushing cavity combines perfectly with high crushing frequency,which makes handling ability higher.The majority of broken products are cubic structure,because of adopting the principle of laminating crushing,and which reduces the needle flake material on the great degree. 操作方便可靠,寿命长 Convenient and reliable operation, long service life. 采用全液压操作,使用方便,易于实现自动化,其可靠性和寿命大大提高。 It is convenient to adopt full hydraulic pressure operation,结构简单,灵活方便 Simple structure, flexible and convenient. 结构简单,便于操作、维护,排料口调整方便快捷,检修省时省力,特别是衬板易于快速更换,减少了停机时间。 liner can easily be changed,which reduces downtime. 性能可靠,设备故障率极低 Reliable performance, very low equipment failure rate. 本机性能可靠,操作方便。由于进行了优化设计,并对破碎机进行液压保护,其设备故障率降低超过90%。 This crusher is reliable performance, easy to operate.Due to the optimized design and hydraulic protection of this crusher , the equipment failure rate reduces more than 90%.

联系人: 孟经理
联系电话: 086-0371-64696555
手机: 13503861355
传真: 086-0371-64969111
联系地址: 郑州市荥阳市郑源路中段
电子邮箱: 3299483392@qq.com
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